What will result form Honduras leaving ICSID?
Our partner from the Honduras office, Odín Guillén Leiva, has published an article in The Inter-American Dialogue's daily Latin America Advisor regarding the impact of Honduras' exit from ICSID. You…
Our partner from the Honduras office, Odín Guillén Leiva, has published an article in The Inter-American Dialogue's daily Latin America Advisor regarding the impact of Honduras' exit from ICSID. You…
The Honduran Labor Cases System (SIHCAL, by its Spanish acronym) was created through Agreement SETRASS No. 625-2023, in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Inspection Act and its Regulation.…
A Q&A guide to employment and employee benefits law in Guatemala. This Q&A gives a high-level overview of the key practical issues including: the scope of employment regulation; employment status;…
This is a kind reminder for the annual statement on the Tax on Industry, Commerce, and Services, which must be filed no later than January 31st, 2024. You will find…
This is a reminder that, in accordance with the Municipalities Act, each taxpayer must renew their Municipal Business Operation Permit no later than January 31st, 2024. You will find all the information…
It is an honour for the firm to inform you that our team of experts: Eduardo Mayora, Claudia Pereira, Sandra Castillo and Juan Pablo Gramajo, have participated in the elaboration…
On December 19th, 2023, the Official Bulletin published Government Accord 307-2023, setting the minimum wages in force since January 1st, 2024. You can find all the information in tho following…
Below, you will find the link to read all the information. Link
Dear clients and friends, In accordance with Article 61.h) of the Guatemalan Labor Code, employers must grant employees the necessary time for voting in popular elections, without reducing their salary. …
Dear clients and friends, On Tuesday, April 19th, the Legislative Assembly approved the Law for the Promotion of Innovation and Technological Manufacturing. This law aims to contribute to the economic…