Pro bono

At Mayora & Mayora, we strongly encourage providing pro bono services and pledge hundreds of hours of free legal work every year to communities, non-profits, and individuals in need.

Our office in Guatemala is a founding member of the Pro Bono Foundation of Guatemala and two of our partners, Claudia Pereira and Paola Galich, are active members of its Board. We provide financial support and pro bono work to the foundation. The Foundation has a direct alliance with the Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice (, which strives to advance global justice by engaging lawyers around the world to support civil society and an ethically active legal profession.

As the exclusive member firm in Guatemala of Lex Mundi, we also pledge funds to its Pro Bono Foundation, which assists in pro bono matters across the globe and has completed over 1,600 projects and helped over 800 social entrepreneurs across 25 enterprise sectors (

In our office in El Salvador, we partake in many pro bono activities. Partner, Manuel Telles, is an active member of the Board of Fundación Heroes-Telus Community Board and the firm assists the globally recognized foundation and its legal arm in all their legal needs for free. The charitable arm of Telus, one of the largest BPOs in the world, assists in a multitude of projects including but not limited to building schools in low socioeconomic areas, improving the health of poorer communities, and funding women entrepreneurs.

We also assist the Foundation for the Development of Women (Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Mujer-FUNDEM) in all of their legal matters, at a discounted rate. The foundation focuses on the visual health of women, often gifting eye care to women from low socioeconomic areas in El Salvador. Lastly, we assist a non-profit foundation that runs a popular museum for children called Tin Marín ( handling all its legal matters pro bono and one of our associates is an active Board Member.

Through our office in Honduras, the firm is involved in multiple pro bono matters. For example, the firm assisted Honduran minors living in the United States who needed information legally confirmed by the Foreign Affairs Department in Honduras to receive healthcare coverage. Partner, Odín Guillén, is the Secretary of the Board of Caehro Foundation and the firm provides legal services to the foundation pro bono. This foundation focuses on restoring the environment and infrastructure in Trujillo, Honduras, having recently restored its library.

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