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M&M SV Newsletter – Management Program Obligation.

Dear clients and friends

Due to the increase in inspections of the Department of Social Welfare of the Ministry of Labor, we want to remind  you that an important obligation that companies must fulfill is the preparation of the LABOR RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM, which is composed by 10 elements in accordance with the General Law of Risk Prevention in the workplace, this Program must be in accordance with the activities carried out by each company, taking into consideration the number of employees and the environment, as well as the infrastructure of the work Center. It is crucial for it to comply with the legal requirements of the Law and its respective development Regulations which must have Risk Maps, Risk assessment for jobs, evacuation routes, special training and awareness speeches, biological studies, treatment of psychosocial risks, among others.

The law establishes that the Program must be developed in the first two months of each year. And in the absence of it, the company can be sanctioned with a fine that ranges between 14 to 18 minimum wages, that is, between $ 5,110 to $ 6,570 dollars of the United States of America.

At Mayora & Mayora, we have the necessary expertise to support you and develop the respective Management Program, which must comply with a series of legal prerogatives that we are able to assist you with so your company is not affected with these high fines.

We also remind you about the obligation to have the Covid-19 Biosafety Protocols in each work center, and it must be approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare.

For any questions, please contact Dr. Jenniffer Mejí

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